Vol. 3 No. 4 (2015): JE Vol.3 No.4 (2015) Hal. 279-394

					View Vol. 3 No. 4 (2015): JE Vol.3 No.4 (2015) Hal. 279-394

Dear reader,

Publishing of Journal EMBA Vol.3 No.4 Dec. 2015, the editor presenting a number of scientific research papers with a variety of topics. The studies that have been conducted then published are: (1) Brand Analysis, Promotion and Price Effects on Buying Decition in Supermarkets Gelael Manado, (2) The Analysis of Cash Based System of Accounting Behavioral in Cash Flow Report at PT. Bank Sulutgo, and other recent research results that can be seen by the reader.
Published: 2016-02-03
