Dampak pandemi Covid-19 terhadap harga saham dan aktivitas volume perdagangan (Studi kasus saham LQ-45 di Bursa Efek Indonesia)


  • Galuh Artika Febriyanti Politeknik Ubaya Surabaya




event study, abnormal return, trading volume activity, stock prices, Index LQ-45


The purpose of this research to examine the impact of the Covid-19 on stock prices and trading volume activity on listed firms of Index LQ-45 on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The first case of the Covid-19 in Indonesia was announced on March 2nd, 2020. This research is to find out whether there are average abnormal returns and transaction volume of the stock company listed in Index LQ-45 before and after of event the first case of the Covid-19 in Indonesia was announced on March 2nd, 2020. These data have been taken for 30 days before and 30 days after the first announcement of Covid-19 in Indonesia. The result of the paired sample test shows that there is a significant difference in the abnormal return of stock company listed in index LQ-45 between before and after the first announcement of the Covid-19 case in Indonesia. This is indicated by the significance value of 0,008 < 0,05 which the stock prices decreased after the first announcement of the Covid-19 case in Indonesia. The volume transaction also shows different significance. The transaction volume after the announcement of shares shows an increasing value.

Author Biography

Galuh Artika Febriyanti, Politeknik Ubaya Surabaya

Dosen Program Studi Akuntansi


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