Hubungan Antara Paparan Debu Dengan Kejadian Gangguan Saluran Pernafasaan Pada Masyarakat Kelurahan Kairagi Satu Lingkungan 3 Kota Manado.

Yulina Purnamasari Thaib, Bernadus. Lampus, Rahayu Akili


Data case of respiratory tract disorders ISPA in the Province Sulawesi
Utara in 2014 showed that Kotamobagu city topped with total 15367 cases, followed
successively by Sangihe with total 9984 cases, followed successively by Manado City with
total 4500 cases, followed successively by district Bolaang Mongondow Utara with total
3153 cases, followed successively by district Minahasa Tenggara with total 1532 cases,
followed successively by district Minahasa Utara with total 376 cases. Data cases of
respiratory tract disorder ISPA in the in 2014 from Sanitary Depertement Of Manado City
on frebruary total 153 cases, march total 1189 case, april total 679 cases, may total 1349
cases, june total 685 cases, july total 79 cases, September total 216 cases, October total
199 cases, novenber total 99 cases, December total 442 cases. According to research of
results Dinda Anggun In Palembang 2013 that exposure to dust associated with events
ISPA a total of 34 people (48,6%) of the total population 70 people. According to research
of Yusnabeti etc in 2009, furniture industry workers in rural wes kern Cilebut that exposure
to dust associated with events ISPA, who experiended ISPA 43 People from population 98
people. According to research of khairiah etc in 2012, Sumatera utara that the dust
concentration associated with respiratory disorders 19 people, from total population 56
Method : This research uses the type of survey research with cross sectional analytic
study cross sectional design.
Result : In test use Uji Chi-Square then get correlation value of 0,006 p < 0,05, meaning
that there is a relationship between exposure to dust with the incidence of respiratory
disorders in the community village Kairagi 1 enviroment 3 Manado city.
Conclusion : The measurement results have two categories of medium and light. Medium
category of 38,6%. Light category of 61,4%. 45 respondents (64,3%) Who experience
respiratory tract disorders (ISPA) in the Kairagi Village Environments 3 Manado city. 25
respondents (35,7%) did not experience respiratory disorders (ISPA) in the Kairagi Village
I enviroments 3 Manado City. There is a relationship between exposure to dust with events
respiratory in the community in the Kairagi Village I enviroments 3 Manado City.
Keywords : exposure to dust, the events of respiratory disorders

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