Fungsi Perencanaan Pembangunan Desa Di Kecamatan Siau Timur Kabupaten Siau Tagulandang Biaro (Sitaro)
The study aims to determine the function of development planning Siau In District East Village
District Sitaro. This study was conducted by researchers in the district of East Siau Sitaro District, as
District of East Siau has the largest population in the area of greatest as well as the character of a pluralistic
society. Siau sub-district consists of 16 Village / Sub.
Researchers using qualitative approach in conducting this study, it can be seen from the procedures
applied, the procedure that produces descriptive data; greeting; or writing and observable behavior of
people (subject) itself.
Based on the formulation of the problem the focus of this research is the function Planning Rural
Development in Sub Siau East District Sitaro with variable observations include: (a) construction, utilization
and maintenance of infrastructure and environmental Village, (b) construction, utilization and maintenance
of health infrastructure, (c ) Health services Village, (d) construction, utilization and maintenance of
facilities and infrastructure of education and culture, (e) Development of productive economic activities as
well as the development, utilization and maintenance of facilities and economic infrastructure, (f) protection
of the environment, (g) of Development civic, (h) Community Development Division.
Based on the research results it can be concluded that of all the villages in the district of East Siau has
made RPJMDesa that has been poured into the village of Regulation respectively, that have gone through the
stages of Musdus, village workshops, Musrenbang And Post Musrenbang, based on democratic principles.
Keywords: Plan, The Development Village.
The study aims to determine the function of development planning Siau In District East Village
District Sitaro. This study was conducted by researchers in the district of East Siau Sitaro District, as
District of East Siau has the largest population in the area of greatest as well as the character of a pluralistic
society. Siau sub-district consists of 16 Village / Sub.
Researchers using qualitative approach in conducting this study, it can be seen from the procedures
applied, the procedure that produces descriptive data; greeting; or writing and observable behavior of
people (subject) itself.
Based on the formulation of the problem the focus of this research is the function Planning Rural
Development in Sub Siau East District Sitaro with variable observations include: (a) construction, utilization
and maintenance of infrastructure and environmental Village, (b) construction, utilization and maintenance
of health infrastructure, (c ) Health services Village, (d) construction, utilization and maintenance of
facilities and infrastructure of education and culture, (e) Development of productive economic activities as
well as the development, utilization and maintenance of facilities and economic infrastructure, (f) protection
of the environment, (g) of Development civic, (h) Community Development Division.
Based on the research results it can be concluded that of all the villages in the district of East Siau has
made RPJMDesa that has been poured into the village of Regulation respectively, that have gone through the
stages of Musdus, village workshops, Musrenbang And Post Musrenbang, based on democratic principles.
Keywords: Plan, The Development Village.
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