Penyelenggaraan Administrasi Kepegawaian di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Kabupaten Kepulauan Sula

Jumardin Liambana, Welson Rompas, Burhanuddin Kiyai


This study aims to determine how the administration of the Organization in terms of personnel,
especially in the district of Sulu Islands Regional Employment Board.
This study used qualitative methods. The informants were 10 officers / employees at BKD are: head
of the agency / secretary (1), the head of the field (3), and the head of the sub-areas (4), and the staff /
implementers (2). Data collection techniques used were interviews. The data analysis was done by using
qualitative analysis interactive model of Miles and Hubermann.
The results showed that: (1) The process of implementation of recruitment at BKD Sula Islands
based on the determination of the formation of a minister according to regulations, and the
implementation process of recruitment of employees at BKD today already using the system CAT,
although the implementation of recruitment/employess has been running well, but not maximized. (2) The
implementation process of selection for placement of employees in structural positions is implemented in
accordance with the applicable legislation, but not maximum, because there are still weaknesses, and not
all the structural officials meet in full all the main requirements for certain structural position as set out
in PP.No .13 of 2002 on Hiring in structural positions.
Based on the results of these studies conclude that: (1) the implementation process of recruitment
in BKD Sula Islands based regulations, but implementation of the recruitment system using CAT, so that
the implementation of recruitment in Sula Islands is not maximized. (2) Selection process staffing in the
structural position in BKD Sula Islands in general are good, but not maximized because there are still
some things that are required by the regulations have not been fully implemented.
Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to put forward some suggestions: (1) To improve
the effectiveness of the implementation process of recruitment/civil servant in the Government of Sula
Islands need to further expand facilities such as electronic instruments, WFI, and the room (a) needed for
the implementation of recruitment employee/civil servant using CAT systems (Computer Assisted Test)
can run up. (2) It is expected that the selection process of the placement of employees in the structural
position in lingungan Sula Islands Government should really sesui with the requirements stipulated in
Government Regulation No. 13 of 2002 on Hiring in structural positions, and/selection process to
minimize the placement of employees in structural positions in the Government of Sula Islands fore let
conducted openly, namely through the auction system positions that have been implemented in some
Keywords: Recruitment, Placement Officer, structural positions.

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