Hubungan Sistem Promosi Dengan Motivasi Kerja Pegawai Di Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan

Marlina Puka-Puka, Arie Junus Rorong, Joorie Marhaen Ruru


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the system of promotion and
motivation of employees working in the Secretariat of the South Halmahera District.
This study uses a quantitative method that is associative. Sample of respondents were taken by
proportional random sampling technique as many as 50 people or about 52% of the population (97 people
PNS) Regional Secretariat of South Halmahera. Collecting data using questionnaires / questionnaire and
assisted with interview techniques. The analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis is the
analysis of the frequency distribution and percentage, as well as analaisis chi-square and contingency
Based on the analysis of data drawn conclusions: (1) System promotion of civil servants in South
Halmahera District Secretariat is generally performed quite well in accordance with the criteria / basic
promotional applicable, objectively, fairly, and accurately. (2) The level of employee motivation is generally
quite good. (3) There is a significant correlation between promotion and motivation system of employees
working in the Secretariat of the South Halmahera District; that the better the promotion system is getting
better or increase the motivation of the employment.
Based on the conclusions of this study it can be suggested: (1) The employee promotion system still
needs to be improved, especially in terms of the consistency of the use of criteria/ basic promotion,
objectivity, and fairness; (2) work motivation of employees still need to be improved; (3) The promotion
system let be used as one tool to increase employee motivation.
Keywords: Promotion System, Work Motivation.

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