Pengaruh Kompensasi Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Publuk (Suatu Studi Di Dinas Kependudukan Dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Halmahera Utara)

Rafless Hendrik, Femmy Tulusan, Sonny Rompas


ABSTRACT : This research was carried out over an alleged that while the quality of public services in
the Department of population and civil registration Kabupoaten of North Halmahera they are still low.
Thus, this research aims to find out and analyze the compensation pengaru to the quality of public
service in the Department of population and civil registration North Halmahera Regency.
The methods used in this research is descriptive method quantitative approach. The data and
information gathered using a questionnaire which was distributed to 33 respondents, engineering
wawawncara and obsrvasi directly to the Office of civil registration and Residency North Halmahera
Regency. After the data is collected and then analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques, namely
portraying the reality of the match is.
Research results indicate that the variable compensation is set at "medium" category as well as the
variable quality of public services in the Department of population and civil registration North halmahera
Regency also has been in the category of "high". Compensation berpengaruk a positive and highly
significant to the quality of public services, as well as the two related variables in kontributuf. When
compensation is increased it will be followed by improvement of the quality of public services.
Thus, it can be concluded that the proposed research hypotheses have been tested empirically
keberlakuannya at once can justify the underlying theories. To optimize the setup required public service
HR management apparatus that leads to reform the bureaucratic apparatus, particularly the human
resources in the service of the population and civil registration North Halmahera Regency.
Keywords: compensation, quality of public services.

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