Pengaruh Pengawasan Terhadap Disiplin Kerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil Di Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Kepulauan Sula
ABSTRACT : The research was conducted on the basis of initial observations that civil
servants in performing basic tasks and functions indicated less comply with the applicable rules,
especially rules regarding discipline in performing the task. Thus, the study aims to "know the
effect of the application of disciplinary oversight of the civil servants working in the Regional
Secretariat Sula Islands".
The method used in this research is descriptive method with quantitative approach. Purposive
sample of respondents assigned as many as 69 people, and a questionnaire distributed data collection
techniques for obtaining primary data, while the secondary data obtained through technical
documentation. All data and information obtained through surveys and direct observation techniques.
Once the data is collected, analyzed using analytical techniques percentage (frequency table), followed
by product moment correlation analysis and simple linear regression.
The results showed that: Implementation of the functions of supervision and discipline of
employees working in the Secretariat of the Sula Islands area identified in the category "medium", but
oversight tends to be high, while labor discipline of employees tends to be low. Supervision positive and
significant impact on employee discipline, particularly at the district secretariat Sula Islands. The
functional relationship between the two variables linear patterned positive and contributive.
Thus, it can be concluded that the proposed research hypotheses can be tested empirically
enforceability as well as to justify the underlying theories. Direct supervisor needs to streamline the
supervision attached to subordinates in order to improve their work discipline; There needs to be
continuous socialization discipline rules as well take an act decisively to employees who deviate from
these rules.
Key words:Monitoring Functions, Discipline employee
servants in performing basic tasks and functions indicated less comply with the applicable rules,
especially rules regarding discipline in performing the task. Thus, the study aims to "know the
effect of the application of disciplinary oversight of the civil servants working in the Regional
Secretariat Sula Islands".
The method used in this research is descriptive method with quantitative approach. Purposive
sample of respondents assigned as many as 69 people, and a questionnaire distributed data collection
techniques for obtaining primary data, while the secondary data obtained through technical
documentation. All data and information obtained through surveys and direct observation techniques.
Once the data is collected, analyzed using analytical techniques percentage (frequency table), followed
by product moment correlation analysis and simple linear regression.
The results showed that: Implementation of the functions of supervision and discipline of
employees working in the Secretariat of the Sula Islands area identified in the category "medium", but
oversight tends to be high, while labor discipline of employees tends to be low. Supervision positive and
significant impact on employee discipline, particularly at the district secretariat Sula Islands. The
functional relationship between the two variables linear patterned positive and contributive.
Thus, it can be concluded that the proposed research hypotheses can be tested empirically
enforceability as well as to justify the underlying theories. Direct supervisor needs to streamline the
supervision attached to subordinates in order to improve their work discipline; There needs to be
continuous socialization discipline rules as well take an act decisively to employees who deviate from
these rules.
Key words:Monitoring Functions, Discipline employee
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Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
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