AMELIA LASUT, Jantje Mandey, Gustaf Budi Tampi


Abstract:Controlling population growth rate is an attempt to suppress the human birth rate in order to
create a society that is in harmony with the natural capacity. Especially for the city of Manado, Manado city
population growth each year has increased, with an average growth rate of 1.1%. To suppress the population
growth rate, Indonesia enacting Law No. 52 Year 2009 on Population Development and Family Development.
Presence of Women Empowerment and Family Planning at national and local levels are expected to control the
population growth rate both nationally and locally.
This study aims to determine how the policy Women Empowerment and Family Planning Manado in
controlling the rate of population growth in the city of Manado. The method used is a qualitative research
method with data collection techniques used is the study of documentation, interviews and observation.
The results of this study indicate that the policy of Women Empowerment and Family Planning Manado
in controlling the population growth rate is the implementation of the Family Planning (KB). Policy supporting
factors, among others: the regulatory system, local regulations and rules mayor of Manado, the Regional
Government commitment to family planning and the Empowerment of Women designated by maketh revitalize
family planning programs become part of the Development Plan 2011-2015; Commitment partners who are good
enough to support the policy of Family Planning and Women's Empowerment; Community participation in
planning programs and the Empowerment of Women in Manado City; and competence of employees adequate
apparatus. The efforts undertaken include: Mobilizing and empowering the whole community in the program
and the Empowerment of Women; Operasion strengthen human resources; Improving the survival and wellbeing
of the family; Ensure the availability of contraceptives and service program for all participants; Improved
access to information and reproductive health services; Granting Extension and IEC to members of the PKK,
public and Religion through the container meetings PKK village in Posyandu, as well as a group meeting
activities to raise family welfare (Generating), group activities of family resilience (BKB, BKR and BKL) by the
extension staff planning in the field of the importance for families to the preservation of family planning;
Conducting communication and interpersonal counseling (KIP-Counseling) to the EFA are not family planning
through home visits by KB officers (PKB).
Keywords: Population Growth Rate, Women's Empowerment, Family Planning.

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