PENGARUH STRUKTUR ORGANISASI TERHADAP KUALITAS PELAYANAN PUBLIK (Suatu Studi Di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Halmahera Utara)

DESTRINA PALIEMA, Jantje Mandey, Martha Ogotan


Abstract: This study aimed (1) to describe the condition of the organizational structure and quality of public
services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Regency of North Halmahera. (2) to analyze the
effect of organizational structure on the quality of public services in the Department of Population and Civil
Registration North Halmahera Regency.
This research uses descriptive method with quantitative approach. Samples were drawn by purposive sampling of
respondents as many as 33 employees / personnel services, and 33 other respondents are elements of service
recipients, then spread Questionnaire (questionnaire) and the results are analyzed by applying descriptive
statistical analysis techniques and simple regression analysis and correlation of product moment.
Results of the study were presented as follows: (1) Organizational Structure Office of Population and Civil North
Halmahera Regency is in the category "medium" or reasonably support the achievement of the quality of public
services, while the quality of public services, according to respondents element employees perceive higher than
respondents element of the user community services which can only perceive the "moderate" or medium. (2) The
organizational structure has positive influence on the quality of public services. That means that if the
organizational structure optimally managed, it will boost the quality of public services, particularly in the
Department of Population and Civil North Halmahera.
Thus, it can be concluded that the hypothesis which states "The organizational structure of positive and
significant impact on the quality of public services at the Department of Population and Civil North Halmahera
validity can be tested empirically, as well as justify terori-the underlying theory.
Keywords: organizational structure, quality of public service

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