Implementasi Kebijakan Penyaluran Beras Rakyat Miskin Di Desa Poopoh Kecamatan Tombariri Kabupaten Minahasa

Haryati Duplin Mangende, Patar Rumapea, Novie Anders Palar


Abstract :Raskin is a government program that purpose to reduce the burden of spending Objective Households
Own Benefit (RTS-PM) through a partial fulfillment of basic needs in the form of rice. However, implementation of
the policy has not worked as expected due to several factors between like low quality of rice delivered, in fact
objective’s receiver of subsidized rice is not only the poor but the society who belong to afford. The purpose of this
study was to determine how the distribution policy implementation Raskin in the village Poopoh Tombariri
Subdistrict Minahasa district. To realize these purpose, Conducting research using descriptive qualitative
approach. The data resources consist of primary data result from observation and interviews, and secondary data
result from the management of documents, archives, records, and regulations related to issues in research. The
results showed that the rice’s distribution policy implementation of poor society in the Poopoh Village Tombariri
Subdistrict Minahasa District has not accomplished appropriate with the purpose and objectives because
implementing no transparency in the distribution of rice’s raskin. Raskin distribution policy implementation refer to
indicator of 6 success exact is not achieve.
Keywords: Implementation Policy Rice Distribution for Poor Society

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