ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results and impact of policy PNPM Rural in
District Essang Talaud Islands. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. Informants were taken
from PNPM Rural actors at the district level, the PNPM Rural actors at the village level, and the citizens
Pokmas members in several villages. Informants who were interviewed as many as 10 people. Data
collection techniques used were interviews. Data was analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis
techniques-interactive model of Miles and Hubernann.
Based on research results ditariki conclusions: (1) The results of PNPM Rural in District
Essang generally pretty good views of some aspects such as: the allocation and disbursement of funds,
the management / implementation activities and the realization of the activities. (2) PNPM Rural in
District Essang impact on poverty reduction seen from several aspects such as: pencipaan / increase
empowerment of the economy of the poor, creation / enhancement of independence of the poor, realize or
improve the quantity and quality of facilities prasanara basic social and economic community, increase
the participation of the various parties in efforts to reduce poverty, and increase the welfare of society or
of poor households.
Based on the results of this penellian then it can be recommended some suggestions as
follows: (1) the PNPM Rural Policy would that be continued by the present government's. (2) The results
of PNPM Mandiri in Rural Areas that have been created / materialized during cerned shall continue to be
maintained and preserved to improve social welfare / poor households.
Keywords: Results and Impact of Policy, PNPM Mandiri.
District Essang Talaud Islands. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. Informants were taken
from PNPM Rural actors at the district level, the PNPM Rural actors at the village level, and the citizens
Pokmas members in several villages. Informants who were interviewed as many as 10 people. Data
collection techniques used were interviews. Data was analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis
techniques-interactive model of Miles and Hubernann.
Based on research results ditariki conclusions: (1) The results of PNPM Rural in District
Essang generally pretty good views of some aspects such as: the allocation and disbursement of funds,
the management / implementation activities and the realization of the activities. (2) PNPM Rural in
District Essang impact on poverty reduction seen from several aspects such as: pencipaan / increase
empowerment of the economy of the poor, creation / enhancement of independence of the poor, realize or
improve the quantity and quality of facilities prasanara basic social and economic community, increase
the participation of the various parties in efforts to reduce poverty, and increase the welfare of society or
of poor households.
Based on the results of this penellian then it can be recommended some suggestions as
follows: (1) the PNPM Rural Policy would that be continued by the present government's. (2) The results
of PNPM Mandiri in Rural Areas that have been created / materialized during cerned shall continue to be
maintained and preserved to improve social welfare / poor households.
Keywords: Results and Impact of Policy, PNPM Mandiri.
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