Fungsi Pengawasan Dalam Meningkatkan Disiplin Kerja Pegawai (Suatu Studi Di Kantor Camat Sario)

Meytha Margaretha Sumual, Martha Ogotan, Stefanus Sampe


ABSTRACT :This study aims to determine whether the implementation of the supervisory function by
camat are being implemented properly and effectively so as to improve the discipline of employees working
at the district office Sario. This oversight also diamksudkan that the goals and objectives of business
activities of governmental units can be achieved efficiently (efficient) and effective (effective), carried out
in accordance with the basic tasks, functions, plan or program, the division and delegation of tasks, the
formulation of the work, guidance implementation and legislation that berlaku.dengan good and effective
supervision cultivated avoid deviations implementation, abuse of authority, leakage and wastage.
Methods, research used in this study is a qualitative method, with the techniques of collecting primary and
secondary data were collected by interview, documentation and observation studies. As an advanced
respondent / informant of this study was Head Sario (key informants), Secretary of the Head and 3 of Section
Head (key informants), 2 staff of the District (informant extra), District Sario consists of 7 Village are:
Village Sario New Town , South Titiwungen Village, Village North Titiwungen, Village Sario, Sario
Tumpaan Village, Village North and sub Ranotana Sario.
The results showed that the monitoring of the Civil Service Head Office Sario who commits an offense
against the discipline of working hours it is already running, but not too maximum punishment provision
under the rules of Regulation No. 53 In 2010, the application of penalties based on the achievement of the
objectives of employee has been running for some employees in carrying out the task set was still getting
guidance from superiors in carrying out its performance. Based on the interview can be concluded that the
imposition of sanctions in the District Office Sario in accordance with the disciplinary rules of civil servants
and procedures for application of punishment or imposition of disciplinary sanctions in accordance with
Government Regulation No. 53 Year 2010 which sanctions carried out in accordance with the level of
violations committed by employees who abuse and still coordinate with the inspection team if the offense is
at a level of moderate and severe disciplinary action.
Referring to the discussion and conclusions on the proposed recommendation in this study are as follows:
Application monitoring should be done more leverage, so that the utilization of the working time of
employees will be more effective and efficient, along with its implementing regulations are strict and fair,
need of socialization of Government Regulation No. , 53 of 2010 on Discipline of Civil Servants to all
employees at the Head Office Sario to be more aware of the rules of obligations and prohibitions and
sanctions that would be acceptable if it violates these rules, supervision of direct supervisor should be
maximized so that the Civil Service to understand the actual legal and output which is expected in the process
of enforcement of penalties. So there is no indifference / not stated if there are other Civil Servants in the
workplace that disciplinary offenses.
Keywords: Increasing Discipline Oversight Functions In Employee Work.

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