Peranan Camat Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Di Kecamatan Rainis Kabupaten Kepulaun Talaud

Alwein Majampoh, Joyce Jacinta Rares, Helly Kolondam


Abstract : The purpose of this study was to determime how camat rolein empowering communities in the district
Rainis Talaud islands district. The method used is descriptive gualitative method. The focus of research includes
: The subdistrict govermments to encourage public participation in delelopment planning in the district; role to
guide the work units implementing the orogram/community developmend activities in the district; successful
research informants interviewd as many as 10 persons namely : 2 sub-district government officials, 2 village
heads 2, 2 Orang LMP members, two community leaders, and two villagers data collection technigues used
were interviews. Data was analysed using qualitative descriptive analysis technigues-interactive model of Miles
and Huberann. Based on the results of the study conclude : (1) role toencourage public participation in
development planning in the discussion forum of development planning in the district has done fairiy weill; (2)
role to provide guidance to the working units of government and community organization in the district have
been done fairily well ; (3) role in empowering communities through the role to supervise the
program/community development activities whether perpetrated by units of government work and civil society
organizations have also done fairly well. Based on these conciusions suggested : (1) let more active in
mobilizing the community to engage in development planning at the vollage and sub-district; (2) let more
effective coordination meeting forum/consultation on guidance to the work units that acted upon
program/activities of people in the district pemerdayaan; (3) let improve the implementation of
monitoring/pemantauan and reporting systems on a regular basis about the implementation of
program/community development activities in the district.
Key words : The role of community empowerment.

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