ABSTRACT: Water plays an important role in human life, animals, plants and other bodies. The water we
need is water that meets the requirements of good health, physical requirements, chemical, bacteriological
and radioactive. Uncontaminated water is defined as water that does not contain a specific foreign
substances in quantities exceeding the limits set so that the water can be used normally. General conditions
faced Water District Kawangkoan North in connection with customer service that is the difficulty in
installation or connection to a public that has been registered but has not been connected or has not received
installation, as well as the distribution of water that sometimes substandard home-home customer. As for
the purpose of this study was to determine how the effectiveness of local water companies in North Minahasa
District Kawangkoan.
The method of this research is qualitative research methods and data collection techniques in this study is
the observation / observation localized research, conduct interviews, and documentation. The research
shows that there are some constraints in the service of the Regional Water Company office in North
Keywords: Effectiveness Service, the Regional Water Company.
need is water that meets the requirements of good health, physical requirements, chemical, bacteriological
and radioactive. Uncontaminated water is defined as water that does not contain a specific foreign
substances in quantities exceeding the limits set so that the water can be used normally. General conditions
faced Water District Kawangkoan North in connection with customer service that is the difficulty in
installation or connection to a public that has been registered but has not been connected or has not received
installation, as well as the distribution of water that sometimes substandard home-home customer. As for
the purpose of this study was to determine how the effectiveness of local water companies in North Minahasa
District Kawangkoan.
The method of this research is qualitative research methods and data collection techniques in this study is
the observation / observation localized research, conduct interviews, and documentation. The research
shows that there are some constraints in the service of the Regional Water Company office in North
Keywords: Effectiveness Service, the Regional Water Company.
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