Kinerja Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga dalam Program Wajib Belajar Sembilan Tahun di Kabupaten Siau Tagulandang Biaro
Abstract: Education is a key to reducing poverty in the medium and long term and one of the most
important elements in national development, because with education for the community to be promising
people more advanced in his thinking. Thought developed societies to form a Human Resources (HR) of
high quality. in the District of Siau Tagulandang Biaro of school age who have not been able to get an
education, in junior high school education who do not finish school amounted to 51 students from the
data taken at the Department of Education Youth and Sports District Siau Tagulandang Biaro. The cause
of the children who dropped out of school As well as some elementary school and junior high school in
the district of Siau Tagulandang Biaro still not being prasyrarat terselenggaraya education among others
damaged classrooms and the uneven ketersebaran teachers is a problem facing education in the District
Siau Taguladang Biaro. Conditions as described previously prompted the authors to determine the depth
on the performance of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports District Siau Tagulandang Biaro
in implementing the nine-year compulsory education program. From the results of research and analysis
concluded that the Performance Department of Education Youth and Sport in the Nine-Year Compulsory
Education Program which terihat on five aspects, namely. Productivity, quality of service,
responsiveness, responsibility and accountability. Of the five aspects of the new aspects that have good
responsiveness in responding to community needs its citizens basic education, especially primary school
dropouts and facilitate the higher education level, and an increase in APM elementary and junior high
school through the nine-year compulsory education program
Keywords: Performance, Organizational Performance, nine-year compulsory education
important elements in national development, because with education for the community to be promising
people more advanced in his thinking. Thought developed societies to form a Human Resources (HR) of
high quality. in the District of Siau Tagulandang Biaro of school age who have not been able to get an
education, in junior high school education who do not finish school amounted to 51 students from the
data taken at the Department of Education Youth and Sports District Siau Tagulandang Biaro. The cause
of the children who dropped out of school As well as some elementary school and junior high school in
the district of Siau Tagulandang Biaro still not being prasyrarat terselenggaraya education among others
damaged classrooms and the uneven ketersebaran teachers is a problem facing education in the District
Siau Taguladang Biaro. Conditions as described previously prompted the authors to determine the depth
on the performance of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports District Siau Tagulandang Biaro
in implementing the nine-year compulsory education program. From the results of research and analysis
concluded that the Performance Department of Education Youth and Sport in the Nine-Year Compulsory
Education Program which terihat on five aspects, namely. Productivity, quality of service,
responsiveness, responsibility and accountability. Of the five aspects of the new aspects that have good
responsiveness in responding to community needs its citizens basic education, especially primary school
dropouts and facilitate the higher education level, and an increase in APM elementary and junior high
school through the nine-year compulsory education program
Keywords: Performance, Organizational Performance, nine-year compulsory education
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