this research aims to know the influence of professionalism of employeesworking toward customer
satisfaction rate on PT. TASPEN Manado Branch. This research using quantitative methods. The
respondents in this study amounted to 36 people atthe customers Office PT TASPEN Manado Branch.
Data collection instrumentsand techniques used are questionnaire and assisted with
interviews andobservation. Analytical techniques used for hypothesis testing is the analysis of the
correlation of product moment and a simple linear regression analysis assisted
by data processing computer program SPSS version 13.0. The results of data analysis in this research
indicate: (1) there is a positive relationship between the variable profesioalisme of work employees and
customer satisfaction with r = 0.773 count greater than r table with df (N-2 = 36-2 = 34) on the
significance level 0.01 = 0.2785. (2) price determination coefficient (r ^ 2) of 0.597 gives a clue that
variable professionalism of work employees (X) contributing positively to the development of 59.7%
customer satisfaction variable (Y) PT TASPEN Branch Office in Manado, whereas the rest of 40.3%
influenced by another factor that is outside of this research study. (3) the degree of correlation and
determination of variable employee against the working professionalism of customer satisfaction this is
real and significant degrees of 0.01 or at level 99% confidence, as indicated on the test of significance (ttest)
which gained value t calculate = of 7.094 that have a difference greater than the value of the t table
on the extent the significance of 0.01.
Keywords: Professionalism Of Work, Employees, Customer Satisfaction
Satu hal yang menjadi perhatian
adalah sifat eksklusifitas dari PT TASPEN itu
sendiri, dimana ‘monopoli’ pemberian jasa
jaminan sosial kepada PNS telah
membebaskan PT TASPEN dari masalah
persaingan usaha. Seperti diketahui bahwa
persaingan usaha bagaimanapun bentuknya
telah menjadi salah satu indikator dalam
peningkatan kualitas pelayanan khsususnya di
sektor swasta.
Ketiadaan persaingan usaha yang relevan
hingga luas dan terjaganya pangsa pasar dari
PT. TASPEN itu sendiri menjadi menarik
untuk kemudian dilihat bagaimana proses
pemberian pelayanan kepada pelanggan
dalam konteks pelaksanaan good governance
itu dilaksanan dengan berorientasi pada
kepuasan pelanggan.
Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah
diatas, penulis tertarik untuk meneliti tentang
“Pengaruh Profesi
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