Sisilia Koda, Patar Rumapea, Femmy Tulusan


This research aims to get the picture as a source of knowledge of the ASN in improving the performance of the
service of the quality of health services with consistent work time in Clinics Daru North Halmahera
Regency. As for the type of research useda qualitative approach and methods is descriptive. Descriptive method
of focus or emphasis on problems or phenomena that are found at the time of research that illustrates the
empirical (fact). Informants in this study amounts to 10 people with key informants was the head
of the clinic. Data collection techniques used are interviews and observations. The data collected is
analyzed using the interactive model from Miles and Huberman
The results showed that employee performance improvement efforts based on the quality of service so that
the service conducted at the clinic as a benchmark. Program or duty committed employees even the process
of implementation of the program can be run properly, among others, the implementation of the
program outside of the building and outside the clinic. The quality of service provided to the community that
is the time the work was able to be Accounted for as an employee because in the process of employment all
exist tupoksinya respectively.
The research results show the performance of employees in the health centers has increased in quality From a
quality service and a quality performance within and outside of the building and have reached the
optimal working standard, it is supportedwith a performance executed according the rules and goals.
Keyword: Performance Improvement Effort, The Civil Authorities Of The State (ASN),Clinics Daru.

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