Yolanda Dede Harbig Ginting, Femmy Tulusan, Jericho Pombengi


Abstract: In the development of tourism is seen and felt by the local society through the
sense of eyesight, but, not all of them says that the tourism development are good or bad,
because every individual has a different perception or view. The purpose of this research
to find out how the public perception of the development of Lembeh island tourism (study
of Lembeh Subdistricts of South, City of Bitung). This research uses descriptive
qualitative approach method with describing data obtained from research results
regarding the public perception about the development of Lembeh island tourism (study
of Lembeh Subdistricts of South, City of Bitung). In qualitative research, data collection
is done by in observation, depth interview and documentation.
Tourism development is an effort to improvement of the society welfare by
utilizing the tourism potentials are at once, which is an effort to preserve the culture of
society through the improvement and enhancement of tourism products and services.
Other than that, the development of tourism should also be addressed to protection and
preservation of culture that are very dependent on the society and the tourist.
Result of this research on public perception about the development of Lembeh
island tourism (study of Lembeh Subdistricts of South, City of Bitung) not well seen from
some perception factors that is: absorption, understanding or comprehension, assessment
or evaluation about tourism development of Lembeh island in District of South Lembeh is
not good. The overall conclusion of public perception about the development of Lembeh
island tourism (study of Lembeh Subdistricts of South, City of Bitung) for current is not
good and has not been managed by the Government with the maximum. Then can in
suggest is to the Government to be more managed with maximum and immediately do the
repair, improvement in tourist spots and also for the visitors and local community in
order to keep the environment clean.
Keywords: Perception, Tourism Development

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