Abstract : E-ID card is a residence document containing security system / control both from administration side or
information technology based on national demographic database. Making E-ID is wide open, easy, free and fast. In reality,
obstacles in E-ID card service are still often found in E-ID card making service, among others most people have not get EID
card dikarnakan, process that takes a long time, complicated, server system problem, poor infrastructure, lack of
attention and good response from employees, the number of queues in the process of making E-ID cards, and the certainty
of E-ID card issuance is not well implemented. Therefore, the researcher focused on Transparency of E-ID Card Making
Service in Jailolo Sub-district, Halmahera Barat District. The purpose of this study is to analyze the Transparency of E-ID
Card Making Service in Jailolo District. The research method used in this study is a qualitative approach where in research
conducted is descriptive that is to know or describe the reality of the events studied. The process of data analysis is done by
starting to examine all available data from various sources, namely obsevasi, interview, documentation and so on until
withdrawal conclusion. Transparency of Public Service is openness and accountability of government related to service of
making E-ID to society. In this case the focus of research is the service procedure, technical and administrative
requirements, the service completion period, authorized and responsible officials, service promises, service standards, and
location of services. The results of the research in the District of jailolo of West Halmahera showed that the Transparency
of E-ID Making Service conducted by the local government apparatus has not been fully transparent in providing services
for the community.
Keywords: Transparency, Public Service.
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