Abstract : Empowerment is etymologically derived from the word "power" which means strength or ability. So empowerment
can be interpreted as a process toward empowerment, or process to get power / ability / ability, and or process of power / power
/ ability from party that have power to party which less or not helpless Sulistiyani (2004: 77). Empowerment of farmer groups is
a model of empowerment that the direction of development favours the people. Farmer groups are basically the main actors of
rural development. This research uses descriptive method of qualitative approach. This study describes the data obtained from
the results of research on the Empowerment of Vegetable Farmers Group in Kakaskasen II Subdistrict Tomohon District
Tomohon North. In qualitative research, data collection is done by observation, in-depth interview and documentation. Based
on the results of the study concluded that the empowerment of vegetable farmer groups seen from three indicators categorized
is good enough. Seen from the development (enabling) vegetable farming groups are quite good, seen from farmers who have
been able to develop their farm business. In strengthening the potential or power (empowering) vegetable farming groups have
been good, because the farmers have been able to increase the potential or power that is owned by directly practice in the field
and are willing to accept new things in the field of agriculture. For the independence of the vegetable farmer group is good
enough, because there have been efforts from farmer groups to establish a farmer group that they run. In order for assistance
programs from the Agriculture Agency to the vegetable farming group in Kakaskasen II to run well, this issue becomes an
important note for the Government through the Agriculture Office to provide the targeted assistance and socialization in the
availability of such assistance. In Developing and Strengthening Potential or Power For the members of farmer groups and
farmer groups, the group of farmers should be upgraded to be able to develop farmer groups in a positive and competitive way
in the agricultural world. In strengthening the potential or power, so that farmer groups can change the mind-set in applying
the existing technology and improve the human resources of farmers to be able farmers to be able to adapt to technological
Keywords: Empowerment of Vegetable Farmer Group
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