Leadership is needed to direct or guide others or subordinate toward the achievement of an
organizational goal. To achieve these goals, required the better human resources inside company or
organization through career development activities. Currently, the employee job satisfaction is very important
now days because it can affect the way of the company. The purpose of this research is to examine the influence
of leadership and career development to employees’ job satisfaction at PT. Bank Sinarmas, Tbk branch
The method used in this research is quantitative method using logistic regression model. The
population is 48, total sampling is used as sampling technique in order to obtain all 48 employees as the sample.
Interviews, observation, questionnaires are used in collecting data. Analysis method is using R-Square
coefficient, Hosmer and Lemeshow test as well as hypothesis test using EXP value or ODDS ratio and Chi
Square to measure the effect of variables using SPSS 16.0 Windows.
The result shows the significant value of leadership variabel is 0,035 and career development variabel
is 0,01, both variables has significant influence to job satisfaction. Furthermore, the result show that leadership
and career development has significant influence as partial and simultaneous toward job satisfaction.
Keywords: Leadership, Career development, Job satisfaction
Leadership is needed to direct or guide others or subordinate toward the achievement of an
organizational goal. To achieve these goals, required the better human resources inside company or
organization through career development activities. Currently, the employee job satisfaction is very important
now days because it can affect the way of the company. The purpose of this research is to examine the influence
of leadership and career development to employees’ job satisfaction at PT. Bank Sinarmas, Tbk branch
The method used in this research is quantitative method using logistic regression model. The
population is 48, total sampling is used as sampling technique in order to obtain all 48 employees as the sample.
Interviews, observation, questionnaires are used in collecting data. Analysis method is using R-Square
coefficient, Hosmer and Lemeshow test as well as hypothesis test using EXP value or ODDS ratio and Chi
Square to measure the effect of variables using SPSS 16.0 Windows.
The result shows the significant value of leadership variabel is 0,035 and career development variabel
is 0,01, both variables has significant influence to job satisfaction. Furthermore, the result show that leadership
and career development has significant influence as partial and simultaneous toward job satisfaction.
Keywords: Leadership, Career development, Job satisfaction
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