Abstract : Reward and punishment aims to increase employee motivation, so that employees will be maximized in work.
This research aims to find out, how the application of reward and punishment system in the employment agency training
and education in district Mamasa. This research uses qualitative method that is research type which is used to research on
condition where natural object is key instrument, data collecting technique is done by triangulation (combination), data
analysis is inductive and qualitative research result more emphasize meaning from generalization. Informants in this
research amounted to 10 people, namely head employment agency 1 person, secretary 1 person, head of field 3 people and
office employees 5 people. The results of this research can be seen that the rewards and punishment applied in the
employment agency personnel training and education in district Mamasa in terms of rewards in the form of incentive
material and non-material incentive; and punishment in the form of preventive and repressive. It can be said that has not
been applied maximally by the head of the employment agency and based on existing research can be seen that there are
still many complaints from the employees to the leadership regarding the implementation of rewards and punishment. Lack
of firmness, improper rewarding, unfair and uneven punishment are factors that cause employees to complain against the
leadership. Refers to some of the results of this research then as a suggestion in solving the problem in this research that
should be more appropriate in giving awards to employees who achievement of performance, more firm in giving
punishment, both before the occurrence of violations and after the occurrence of violations and be fair and equitable in
giving punishment.
Keywords : Reward, Punishment
This research aims to find out, how the application of reward and punishment system in the employment agency training
and education in district Mamasa. This research uses qualitative method that is research type which is used to research on
condition where natural object is key instrument, data collecting technique is done by triangulation (combination), data
analysis is inductive and qualitative research result more emphasize meaning from generalization. Informants in this
research amounted to 10 people, namely head employment agency 1 person, secretary 1 person, head of field 3 people and
office employees 5 people. The results of this research can be seen that the rewards and punishment applied in the
employment agency personnel training and education in district Mamasa in terms of rewards in the form of incentive
material and non-material incentive; and punishment in the form of preventive and repressive. It can be said that has not
been applied maximally by the head of the employment agency and based on existing research can be seen that there are
still many complaints from the employees to the leadership regarding the implementation of rewards and punishment. Lack
of firmness, improper rewarding, unfair and uneven punishment are factors that cause employees to complain against the
leadership. Refers to some of the results of this research then as a suggestion in solving the problem in this research that
should be more appropriate in giving awards to employees who achievement of performance, more firm in giving
punishment, both before the occurrence of violations and after the occurrence of violations and be fair and equitable in
giving punishment.
Keywords : Reward, Punishment
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