
Abstract: This study moved from a general phenomenon is still not optimal performance of some employees in government
agencies such as district government. The purpose of this research is to know and describe the performance of employees
in Bunaken Kepulauan sub-district of Manado City. The concept used is four dimensions of employee performance of
Flippo namely the quantity of work, quality of work, toughness, and attitude. This research uses a qualitative method. The
research informant is the sub-district head and seven PNS of the Bunaken Kepulauan sub-district office. Data collection
using interview guidelines, while the analytical technique used is interactive model analysis of Miles and Hubernan. Based
on the results of data analysis concluded that the performance of the employees in Bunaken Kepulauan district is general
has not been optimal but it shows the quality of work is good enough seen from the four dimensions of performance used:
(1) The quantity of employees work is generally seen from the ability to execute and complete the task/work routine or
regular, and the speed of completion of extra and urgent tasks. (2) The quality of employees work is generally good seen
from the accuracy of work, work accuracy, job completeness, and tidiness work generated employees. (3) The employees
toughness is generally good seen from the toughness following the command of official, initiative, attendance or
absenteeism, and timeliness of completion of job duties. (4) The attitudes of employees generally good/positive views of
employees attitudes toward changes and increasing the number of job duties, attitudes toward fellow colleagues and attitudes
towards cooperation It is recommended that the performance of the employees in bunaken kepulauan sub-district still need
to be improved by taking measures such as: providing adequate means and equipment such as computers and devices and
the creation of a work environment that encourages employees enthusiasm and passion; improve employees knowledge and
skills through education and technical training that are directly related to their field of duty; and the development of
toughness through disciplined coaching and attitude as well as training
Keywords : The Performance, Employess, Sub-district Government

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