Lutden Silaen, Johnny Hanny Posumah, Novie Anders Palar


Abstract: In the Manado Fiesta, policy seen and felt by local people through the five senses of sight, but not all
public opinion says good or bad about Manado Fiesta Policy, because every individual has different perceptions
or views. Manado fiesta is a program of Manado City Tourism event that is the agenda of Wonderful Indonesia
activities in 2017 Manado Fantastic Festival (MFF). Manado Fiesta is a tourism activity of Manado City that
has been launched in Ministry of Tourism of Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to know
how Manado perception about Manado Fiesta Policy (Study in Several Subdistrict In Manado City). This
research used descriptive method of qualitative approach by describing data obtained from research result about
Manado City people perception about Manado Fiesta policy (Study in Several Subdistrict In Manado City).
Manado Fiesta is a tourism activity of Manado City which has been launched in Ministry of Tourism of
Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to find out how the perception of Manado City people about
Manado Fiesta Policy (Study in Several Districts In Manado City).This research used descriptive method of
qualitative approach by describing data obtained from research result about Manado City people perception
about Manado Fiesta Policy (Study in Several Subdistrict In Manado City).The overall conclusion of Manado
City Manpower's perception of Manado Fiesta Policy (Study in Several Sub-districts of Manado City) is quite
good because still new program implemented in Manado city has many flaws. Then some things that can be
suggested is to Manado City Government need to strengthen the law of Manado Fiesta implementation by
making and arranging about Manado Fiesta to officially become an annual event in Manado City. The need
for the government to be more leverage for the implementation of the next year to evaluate and overcome the
problems of past implementation, Improvement Management of the implementation including the location of
Manado Fiesta implementation location of the need for supporting facilities for visitors to comfortably follow
Manado Fiesta. The government also provides opportunities and facilitates local people to sell artworks to
Keywords: Perception, Manado Fiesta Policy

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