FRICILIA KOTANGON, Joyce Jacinta Rares, Deysi Tampongangoy


Abstrack :This research is based on the process of management of Public Market which is not in the order of the
rule that should be. The policy of Pasan sub-district market management is still constrained by the technical
guidelines of implementation. Not all parties are related to the policy of the People's Market management such as
only some of the implementing parties involved, for example the Department of Trade Industry of Cooperatives of
UMKM and Pasar is involved in the implementation. Utilization of unoptimal market facilities and inadequate
market facilities. This research is to know the implementation of policy of management of Pasar Rakyat Pasan in
Regency of South Minahasa. The theory used is the theory of policy implementation according to Charles O'Jones
namely, organizing, interpretation, and implementation. The method used is qualitative method with descriptive
approach. With his instrument as a researcher himself with informants seven people.
Data analysis techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the
implementation of the policy of Pasan Village Market management in South Minahasa Regency has not been
optimal. This can be seen from the lack of involvement from the parties related to the policy of management of
Pasar Rakyat as the implementer so that the implementation of the field is found to be the problem of its
management, such as unsuitable market utilization and limited operational cost so that many facilities and
infrastructures are not fulfilled, garbage, no electricity and clean water. The researcher gives suggestion about this
research that is to increase cooperation between field of management of Public Market with implementer of policy
of management of Pasar Rakyat in Regency of South Minahasa and Department of Trade Industry of UMKM
Cooperative and Market must perform its duty not only as executor only but must always monitor and evaluate so
that policy on the run on target.
Keywords: Policy Implementation, Management of Public Market.

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