Abstract: The Internet is one of the information technology where the internet is a very fun vehicle to learn
and play. The phenomenon that occurs in senior high school (SMA) Negeri 1 Manado students who on
average always use the internet either at home or internet cafes (Warnet) in allegedly using the internet and
accessing information without being filtered whether it can be consumption for use by students such as
sensual images or everything something that does not need to be known as a student, so it is suspected to
have a positive or negative impact for students
In this study researchers used a qualitative approach with Descriptive method. Descriptive method is used to
describe the situation and events under study by describing and exposing objects at the same time based on
facts. the number of samples was 95 students and the sampling technique was a simple Sample and random
Strati fi ed technique.
The results showed that the importance of Internet messages for users where the messages are current or
actual, interesting presentation, and easy to understand messages from the Internet because the language is
interesting, brief and clear. The Internet can increase knowledge and then change in behavior in the sense of
increasing insight and get more friends both within the country or abroad, further messages via the Internet
can be trusted is the science but lack of confidence in the messages from the internet on gossip-gossip
celebrities. The advantages or advantages of using the internet is to get news from around the world, then
Science and technology and the increase of friends both domestically and abroad.
Keywords: Information Technology, Internet
and play. The phenomenon that occurs in senior high school (SMA) Negeri 1 Manado students who on
average always use the internet either at home or internet cafes (Warnet) in allegedly using the internet and
accessing information without being filtered whether it can be consumption for use by students such as
sensual images or everything something that does not need to be known as a student, so it is suspected to
have a positive or negative impact for students
In this study researchers used a qualitative approach with Descriptive method. Descriptive method is used to
describe the situation and events under study by describing and exposing objects at the same time based on
facts. the number of samples was 95 students and the sampling technique was a simple Sample and random
Strati fi ed technique.
The results showed that the importance of Internet messages for users where the messages are current or
actual, interesting presentation, and easy to understand messages from the Internet because the language is
interesting, brief and clear. The Internet can increase knowledge and then change in behavior in the sense of
increasing insight and get more friends both within the country or abroad, further messages via the Internet
can be trusted is the science but lack of confidence in the messages from the internet on gossip-gossip
celebrities. The advantages or advantages of using the internet is to get news from around the world, then
Science and technology and the increase of friends both domestically and abroad.
Keywords: Information Technology, Internet
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