Abstract: both the bad governance will appear on good governance; generally the implementation of the
principles of good governance has not been implemented properly. This research is to know how the
leadership style of village head of Kauditan One in governance
This research method is a survey research. Data Collection Techniques through interview questionnaires,
and field observations Data analysis techniques used are quantitative analysis with parametric / inferential
statistical analysis. The total number of respondents / informants in this research is 66 people, consisting
of village government apparatus 26 people and community members 40 people
Simple regression analysis and simple correlation analysis show that Old Law leadership style has
significant relation and influence toward applying the principles of good governance in the administration
of village administration 43,97% at test level a = 0,01 or level of trust / belief equal to 99 %, as indicated by
the test result with the t-test where the t-value of 7.09 turns out to be greater than the list at the significant
level of 0.01 (1%) with the degree of free (sb) 64 which is only 2.39 :
Keywords: leadership style, village head and good governance
principles of good governance has not been implemented properly. This research is to know how the
leadership style of village head of Kauditan One in governance
This research method is a survey research. Data Collection Techniques through interview questionnaires,
and field observations Data analysis techniques used are quantitative analysis with parametric / inferential
statistical analysis. The total number of respondents / informants in this research is 66 people, consisting
of village government apparatus 26 people and community members 40 people
Simple regression analysis and simple correlation analysis show that Old Law leadership style has
significant relation and influence toward applying the principles of good governance in the administration
of village administration 43,97% at test level a = 0,01 or level of trust / belief equal to 99 %, as indicated by
the test result with the t-test where the t-value of 7.09 turns out to be greater than the list at the significant
level of 0.01 (1%) with the degree of free (sb) 64 which is only 2.39 :
Keywords: leadership style, village head and good governance
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