ABSTRAC: Nowadays we have a beg tlord of what m call as business journalism, business of group
internet or business of political party. Theis journalism is not in its ctrict censse a journaslism , since the
journalistic or journalism has to give the they needs of people for the real and true knowledge so that they
can arrange theirselves and grt a free life. To do this, let us learn from the cognitive psycology that teacch
us that the knowletge in intelect, but he has to grew the knowledge until he has a thinking, reasoming,
learning, proplem solving and decisons making. However, journalism or journakistic in cronproses has to
be based on principle and theary, and has be grounded on need and true knowladge, since in there the
scientific knowledge or true knowledge has to be in growing.
Key woords : Journalism, Kognotive psycology, true knoeledge
internet or business of political party. Theis journalism is not in its ctrict censse a journaslism , since the
journalistic or journalism has to give the they needs of people for the real and true knowledge so that they
can arrange theirselves and grt a free life. To do this, let us learn from the cognitive psycology that teacch
us that the knowletge in intelect, but he has to grew the knowledge until he has a thinking, reasoming,
learning, proplem solving and decisons making. However, journalism or journakistic in cronproses has to
be based on principle and theary, and has be grounded on need and true knowladge, since in there the
scientific knowledge or true knowledge has to be in growing.
Key woords : Journalism, Kognotive psycology, true knoeledge
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