Transportation is a very important field in the life of Indonesian society, considering the needs of
the Indonesian community will be very high. Today the field of transportation in Indonesia is being
intensified with the emergence of transport-based applications or commonly referred to as online transport.
Online transport is a transportation that utilizes the application as a media order to facilitate consumers in
terms of fulfilment of transportation needs. In 2011, standing online transportation company that until now
much talked about, that is Gojek. PT Gojek Indonesia is a private company based technology service
provider partnered with motorcycle riders in several cities in Indonesia, including Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi,
Bandung, Bali, Surabaya, and Manado. Management systems and operational mockery is to integrate
modern start-up technology. Every driver using Android and GPS handphone with always-active
application, when customers order services through a gojek application, in a 3 km radius position, the call
will vibrate the connected driver phone until at last the reservation is fulfilled. Today, the ease offered by
PT. Gojek Indonesia in meeting transportation needs has had a significant impact in some areas of
Indonesia. Some of the positive effects that gojek is given to the community is the cost of transportation that
tends to be efficient, travel time is easy and participal, security is maintained when a passenger and get a
polite service. The positive effects are highly appreciated by the public.
Keywords: Public Perception, Transportation Service, Online Applications
the Indonesian community will be very high. Today the field of transportation in Indonesia is being
intensified with the emergence of transport-based applications or commonly referred to as online transport.
Online transport is a transportation that utilizes the application as a media order to facilitate consumers in
terms of fulfilment of transportation needs. In 2011, standing online transportation company that until now
much talked about, that is Gojek. PT Gojek Indonesia is a private company based technology service
provider partnered with motorcycle riders in several cities in Indonesia, including Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi,
Bandung, Bali, Surabaya, and Manado. Management systems and operational mockery is to integrate
modern start-up technology. Every driver using Android and GPS handphone with always-active
application, when customers order services through a gojek application, in a 3 km radius position, the call
will vibrate the connected driver phone until at last the reservation is fulfilled. Today, the ease offered by
PT. Gojek Indonesia in meeting transportation needs has had a significant impact in some areas of
Indonesia. Some of the positive effects that gojek is given to the community is the cost of transportation that
tends to be efficient, travel time is easy and participal, security is maintained when a passenger and get a
polite service. The positive effects are highly appreciated by the public.
Keywords: Public Perception, Transportation Service, Online Applications
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