THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE QUALITY OF COMMUNITY RESOURCES IN THE BORDER AREA. ( A Research in the Marore Islands Sub-District of Sangihe Islannds Regency)
This research aims to explain the development of the quality of community resources in the border area of
Marore Islands Sub-District in Sangihe Islands Regency. The program of developing the quality of
community resources of the border area in the Marore Islands Sub-District of Sangihe Island Regency is
carried out by the Planning and Research and Development Agency (BAPELITBANG) of the Sangihe
Islands Regency. This research uses descriptive method of qualitative approach, and data collection
technique done by observation, interview technique and documentation. Number of informants as many as
10 people. In this research using indicators of quality development of human resources according to
Notoatmodjo, which in this process approach includes 2 indicators as follows; (1) education and (2) training.
The result of the research shows that the development of the quality of border area community in Marore
Islands Sub-District is quite good. This can be seen from the existing education programs and training
programs in the border areas to develop the quality of community resources in the border areas. But there
are still some obstacles related to such programs such as the lack of educators so that the utilization of
existing facilities has not been maximized. Other obstacles include the lack of public interest to participate
in that programs.
Key words: Development, Quality of Human Resources, Border Area
Marore Islands Sub-District in Sangihe Islands Regency. The program of developing the quality of
community resources of the border area in the Marore Islands Sub-District of Sangihe Island Regency is
carried out by the Planning and Research and Development Agency (BAPELITBANG) of the Sangihe
Islands Regency. This research uses descriptive method of qualitative approach, and data collection
technique done by observation, interview technique and documentation. Number of informants as many as
10 people. In this research using indicators of quality development of human resources according to
Notoatmodjo, which in this process approach includes 2 indicators as follows; (1) education and (2) training.
The result of the research shows that the development of the quality of border area community in Marore
Islands Sub-District is quite good. This can be seen from the existing education programs and training
programs in the border areas to develop the quality of community resources in the border areas. But there
are still some obstacles related to such programs such as the lack of educators so that the utilization of
existing facilities has not been maximized. Other obstacles include the lack of public interest to participate
in that programs.
Key words: Development, Quality of Human Resources, Border Area
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