
North Sulawesi Institute of Economic Sciences with various challenges both internal and external
that can affect the continuity of this college, continuously make directional changes in order to realize the
increase in the number of students and the purpose of this college is the implementation of tridarma college,
which consists of education, teaching, research and community service quality. Taking into account the
internal problems at Manado North Sulawesi High School of Economics and the external environment, Stie
Sulut Manado needs to do strategic marketing assessment. Based on that thought, this research is done to
find the strategy formula and to determine the strategy that needs to be done, so that it can realize what is
desired by Stie Sulut Manado.
The research method used is qualitative research method, where researchers collect data and
process it into an information that will be described as a phenomenon that will be followed up in depth.
Sources of data are the core respondents namely the leadership of Stie Sulut Manado with students. Data
Analysis Technique using SWOT Analysis, by compiling martrik SWOT.
Based on SWOT analysis, there are things that become opportunities and strengths for Stie Sulut
Manado which is to maintain and improve the accreditation in both study programs, management and
accounting and institutional accreditation, increase the number of educators and improve the quality of
lecturers and educational staff, improve the implementation of Tridarma Perguruan high level, cooperation
with outsiders, especially excellent programs in the academic field, the addition of lecturing process in the
morning, improving the quality of students by participating in various competitions both nationally and
internationally, as well as increasing the promotion of high school equivalent.
Taking into account the results of research can be concluded some point that is doing aggressive
strategy by exploiting opportunity and strength maximally, continuously doing program improvement of
human resource quality, that is educator of lecturer and staff of education and improve student quality to
compete at national level, academic implementation to fit the established SOP.
Suggestions to immediately undertake an aggressive strategy program by undertaking
improvements on all matters, especially on all strengths and opportunities in Stie Sulut Manado, need to
reorganize both long-term and short-term strategic plans, and operational plans in the form of reactivities
for study programs and institutional accreditation , making the program of policy improvement of Human
Resources both educator, education staff and student continuously, and make program of policy of control
and evaluation of policy which executed in accordance with applicable provisions.

Keywords: Marketing Strategy, SWOT Analysis

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