Peran Keluarga dalam Mencegah Perilaku Menyimpang (Studi Pada Remaja Pengguna Lem Ehabon di Kelurahan Karame Kecamatan Singkil)
The success of adolescents is determined how the role of the family to the child's growth and
development. Families, especially parents, are the main educators and the first for children in the family
and in this family can be instilled attitudes that can affect the development of the next child. Adolescence is
closely related to juvenile delinquency. It was during this period that it was known as a full of energy,
curious, not fully mature, vulnerable, brave, brave, highly emotive, always wanting to try, and not to be left
behind. At this time adolescents are the most vulnerable groups associated with drug abuse one of them is
the use of glue aibon (inhalen). The purpose of this study is to examine and reveal the Family Role in
preventing deviant behavior on Aibon user Tasks in Karame Sub-district of Kecamatan Singkil of Manado.
The methodology used in this study used qualitative research with in-depth interview techniques.
This study aims to explain and analyze the social interactions of adolescents, family roles and the role of
government in preventing adolescent users glue aibon. The informants in this study are 11 people consisting
of, Teen User 6 people, Parents 3 people, Village Head and from BNN North Sulawesi Province. This
research was conducted from January 2018 in Karame Village, Singkil Sub-district, Manado City.
Behavior is a person's behavior or action to inhale the scent of glue material usually used to glue
or stick to a tire. Glue aibon is a drug inhalen (ngelem). This type of glue is often misused by teenagers to
make a hangover because this glue belongs to a dangerous addictive substance category. The theory used
in this research is the theory of sociology of deviant behavior is the theory of deferential association.
From the results of in-depth interviews are known that the factors that encourage adolescents to
use glue aibon the influence of friends of the same age, environment, family, and the availability and
affordability glue aibon. Families do not really care when their kids hang out with anyone their friends,
even the ignorance of teenagers and even parents about the dangers of using glue aibon. Institutions dikaid
and local governments often socialize about the dangers of glue aibon but not yet fully understood and
understood by the community.
This research suggests that families play an important role for the survival of their children such
as inculcating good values, establishing good communication, paying attention to every development and
paying more attention to who their children are. Teenagers should be aware that the use of glue aibon
negative impact both in terms of physical and psychological aspects. The related institutions must constantly
socialize the dangers of using glue aibon and other addictive substances to the community.
Keywords: Youth, Family Role (Parents), Aibon ‘Glue
development. Families, especially parents, are the main educators and the first for children in the family
and in this family can be instilled attitudes that can affect the development of the next child. Adolescence is
closely related to juvenile delinquency. It was during this period that it was known as a full of energy,
curious, not fully mature, vulnerable, brave, brave, highly emotive, always wanting to try, and not to be left
behind. At this time adolescents are the most vulnerable groups associated with drug abuse one of them is
the use of glue aibon (inhalen). The purpose of this study is to examine and reveal the Family Role in
preventing deviant behavior on Aibon user Tasks in Karame Sub-district of Kecamatan Singkil of Manado.
The methodology used in this study used qualitative research with in-depth interview techniques.
This study aims to explain and analyze the social interactions of adolescents, family roles and the role of
government in preventing adolescent users glue aibon. The informants in this study are 11 people consisting
of, Teen User 6 people, Parents 3 people, Village Head and from BNN North Sulawesi Province. This
research was conducted from January 2018 in Karame Village, Singkil Sub-district, Manado City.
Behavior is a person's behavior or action to inhale the scent of glue material usually used to glue
or stick to a tire. Glue aibon is a drug inhalen (ngelem). This type of glue is often misused by teenagers to
make a hangover because this glue belongs to a dangerous addictive substance category. The theory used
in this research is the theory of sociology of deviant behavior is the theory of deferential association.
From the results of in-depth interviews are known that the factors that encourage adolescents to
use glue aibon the influence of friends of the same age, environment, family, and the availability and
affordability glue aibon. Families do not really care when their kids hang out with anyone their friends,
even the ignorance of teenagers and even parents about the dangers of using glue aibon. Institutions dikaid
and local governments often socialize about the dangers of glue aibon but not yet fully understood and
understood by the community.
This research suggests that families play an important role for the survival of their children such
as inculcating good values, establishing good communication, paying attention to every development and
paying more attention to who their children are. Teenagers should be aware that the use of glue aibon
negative impact both in terms of physical and psychological aspects. The related institutions must constantly
socialize the dangers of using glue aibon and other addictive substances to the community.
Keywords: Youth, Family Role (Parents), Aibon ‘Glue
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