Kemampuan Aparat Pelaksana Program Pelatihan Tata boga Pada Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kota Manado



The city of Manado is one of the emerging cities in the province of North Sulawesi and one of the
important tasks of the government in supporting regional development is the handling of unemployment
currently faced. One of the programs run by the Manado City Labour Office is a training program for
the Tata boga, this program aims to help housewives who do not have jobs that have the opportunity to
open their own business in order to increase the income of their family. Therefore, this study aims to
analyze the capability of the implementing officers of the Tata boga training program at the Department
of Labor.
To analyze the data using the capability theory approach from Hersey and Blanchard (2006: 20)
covering 1) technical skill; 2) social skills (social skills); 3) conceptual skills (conceptual skills).
The results of this study and discussion found that the basic skills of the executing apparatus are
not optimal, the ability of the technique is good enough, the social ability is also very good, but the
conceptual ability is still low due to lack of conceptual mastery of an organization from the
implementation of the program Tata boga so monitoring of the participants Tata boga training is not
done thoroughly but only some participants. From this research can be drawn the conclusion that the
ability of officers of training program Tata boga program at the Manado city Labour Office has not
been maximized due to: the absence of monitoring or monitoring of the implementing officers of all
participants who attended the Tata boga program training but only part of the monitored the group
participants Tata boga formed during the training so it cannot be seen how many who develop and do
not develop knowledge and assistance obtained from the Manado City Labour Office.
Keywords: Ability, apparatus, training

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Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

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