Abstract: A good development process makes people actively participate. One of the programs set by the Manado
City Government which gives space to the community to directly actively participate in the implementation of
development is the cleanliness of the environment. This research was conducted to explain the community
participation in maintaining cleanliness in the sub-district of Bahu Kecamatan Malalayang Kota Manado. By
using qualitative research designs it was found that community participation in maintaining environmental
hygiene in urban village Bahu subdistrict Malalayang of Manado City through the acceptance of environmental
hygiene program has not been all done by society such as in obeying garbage garbage, providing garbage at
home, participation in hygiene utilization the environment is carried out by utilizing garbage transporters and
clean Friday activities, participation in the maintenance of environmental hygiene indicates that not all
communities maintain good hygiene
Keywords: Community Participation, Cleanliness, Environment.
City Government which gives space to the community to directly actively participate in the implementation of
development is the cleanliness of the environment. This research was conducted to explain the community
participation in maintaining cleanliness in the sub-district of Bahu Kecamatan Malalayang Kota Manado. By
using qualitative research designs it was found that community participation in maintaining environmental
hygiene in urban village Bahu subdistrict Malalayang of Manado City through the acceptance of environmental
hygiene program has not been all done by society such as in obeying garbage garbage, providing garbage at
home, participation in hygiene utilization the environment is carried out by utilizing garbage transporters and
clean Friday activities, participation in the maintenance of environmental hygiene indicates that not all
communities maintain good hygiene
Keywords: Community Participation, Cleanliness, Environment.
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Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
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