abstract: The results of the data analysis show that the hypothesis which states "the performance of the village
head has a positive effect on community empowerment in Tounelet Village, Sonder District" is acceptable. This
indicates that the relationship between the two variables can be said quite weak, where the correlation
coefficient obtained by 0.334 with coefficient of determination of 0.112 or 11.2%. This result means that the
achievement of community empowerment is also determined by the performance of village head 11,2% while
the rest equal to 88,8% determined or influenced by other factor. The average performance of the village head
and community empowerment in Tounelet Village, Sonder Sub District is in the "moderate" category. This
means that both the performance of the village head and the implementation of community empowerment
programs have not been realized optimally. The performance of village heads has a positive and significant
impact on the empowerment of rural communities, especially in Tounelet village, Sonder sub-district. This
means that when the village head wants to improve his performance, then the community empowerment of a
priority program in the village must be implemented by involving all elements within the village community
itself. The performance of the village head was further enhanced, especially in the community empowerment
in Tounelet Village, Sonder Sub District, because it was still categorized as being. In the empowerment of the
community should the village government kususnya village chief should pay attention to the community who
can be involved directly in the activities.
Keywords: Performance, Community Empowerment
head has a positive effect on community empowerment in Tounelet Village, Sonder District" is acceptable. This
indicates that the relationship between the two variables can be said quite weak, where the correlation
coefficient obtained by 0.334 with coefficient of determination of 0.112 or 11.2%. This result means that the
achievement of community empowerment is also determined by the performance of village head 11,2% while
the rest equal to 88,8% determined or influenced by other factor. The average performance of the village head
and community empowerment in Tounelet Village, Sonder Sub District is in the "moderate" category. This
means that both the performance of the village head and the implementation of community empowerment
programs have not been realized optimally. The performance of village heads has a positive and significant
impact on the empowerment of rural communities, especially in Tounelet village, Sonder sub-district. This
means that when the village head wants to improve his performance, then the community empowerment of a
priority program in the village must be implemented by involving all elements within the village community
itself. The performance of the village head was further enhanced, especially in the community empowerment
in Tounelet Village, Sonder Sub District, because it was still categorized as being. In the empowerment of the
community should the village government kususnya village chief should pay attention to the community who
can be involved directly in the activities.
Keywords: Performance, Community Empowerment
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