Abstract: Board Unity Nation Politik and Protection of Talaud Islands Regency in the management of regional
finance is needed transparency (transparency) to the community. Local governments in their duties and
functions must ruun a good government, especially in terms of financial management. Through transparency,
local financial management can be done effectively and efficiently, both administratively and also from the
availability and accessibility of documents, clarity and completeness of imformation, process openness, and
regulatory framework. As transparency is one form of government accountability to the community, efforts to
imfrove the management of financial management is also one of the fundamental aspects for the realization of
good governance for the community is openness, involvement and ease of access for the community to the
process of governance. The purpose of this research is to know the transparency of regional financial
management in Badan Unity Nation politics and Protection of Talaud Islands regency community. This
research is a descriptive research with qualitative approach.Data analysis techniques used were observation,
interview, documentation.Based on the research results obtained can be seen that the lack of information
disclosure in financial management that causes weakness of financial management transparency.Therefore it
is expected that the government this cease National Unity Board of politics and profection of the community
more open in accounting for regional finances for the administration of government can run well.
Keywords: Transparency of Regional Financial Management
finance is needed transparency (transparency) to the community. Local governments in their duties and
functions must ruun a good government, especially in terms of financial management. Through transparency,
local financial management can be done effectively and efficiently, both administratively and also from the
availability and accessibility of documents, clarity and completeness of imformation, process openness, and
regulatory framework. As transparency is one form of government accountability to the community, efforts to
imfrove the management of financial management is also one of the fundamental aspects for the realization of
good governance for the community is openness, involvement and ease of access for the community to the
process of governance. The purpose of this research is to know the transparency of regional financial
management in Badan Unity Nation politics and Protection of Talaud Islands regency community. This
research is a descriptive research with qualitative approach.Data analysis techniques used were observation,
interview, documentation.Based on the research results obtained can be seen that the lack of information
disclosure in financial management that causes weakness of financial management transparency.Therefore it
is expected that the government this cease National Unity Board of politics and profection of the community
more open in accounting for regional finances for the administration of government can run well.
Keywords: Transparency of Regional Financial Management
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Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
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