Abstract: As one of the programs in place, Smart Indonesia Card is a help from the government for
underprivileged / poor students, in the hope of reducing dropouts. Smart Indonesia Program is a priority
program of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. Joko Widodo specially designed to help children from
poor families or unable to continue to get education services to finish secondary education or equivalent in
cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos)
and Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag). Through Indonesia's smart program, smart Indonesian cards
have been designed which is a card given to poor and vulnerable poor families whom they wish to send their
children to where the child is 6 - 21 years old for free. Already Many high schools in the district Bolaang
Mongondow North, one of SMK Negeri 1 Kaidipang. Schools with this vocational base can help as soon as
possible the graduates to be able to find a job, but in education is certainly not far from the word cost.
Approximately 45% of the students of SMK Negeri 1 Kaidipang who are classified as inadequate families have
not received assistance from the Smart Card Indonesia program and those who get the aid do not use the aid
with the best. What is the principle of the Smart Indonesia Program in permendikbud number 19 of the year
2016 some less well done. Based on these facts then this research is very important considering the number of
children in SMK Negeri 1 Kaidipang who need help to take education. A policy / program is created in response
to a problem, which is to solve, reduce, prevent problems from being solved. However, the implementation of a
program will not be far from the word problem to be faced in the field, there will be various obstacles to realize
the ideals that have been designed. The study aims to explain the implementation of the Smart Card Indonesia
program at SMK Negeri 1 Kaidipang Bolaang Mongondow Utara District.
Keywords : Implementation, program Indonesian smart, smart Indonesian card
underprivileged / poor students, in the hope of reducing dropouts. Smart Indonesia Program is a priority
program of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. Joko Widodo specially designed to help children from
poor families or unable to continue to get education services to finish secondary education or equivalent in
cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos)
and Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag). Through Indonesia's smart program, smart Indonesian cards
have been designed which is a card given to poor and vulnerable poor families whom they wish to send their
children to where the child is 6 - 21 years old for free. Already Many high schools in the district Bolaang
Mongondow North, one of SMK Negeri 1 Kaidipang. Schools with this vocational base can help as soon as
possible the graduates to be able to find a job, but in education is certainly not far from the word cost.
Approximately 45% of the students of SMK Negeri 1 Kaidipang who are classified as inadequate families have
not received assistance from the Smart Card Indonesia program and those who get the aid do not use the aid
with the best. What is the principle of the Smart Indonesia Program in permendikbud number 19 of the year
2016 some less well done. Based on these facts then this research is very important considering the number of
children in SMK Negeri 1 Kaidipang who need help to take education. A policy / program is created in response
to a problem, which is to solve, reduce, prevent problems from being solved. However, the implementation of a
program will not be far from the word problem to be faced in the field, there will be various obstacles to realize
the ideals that have been designed. The study aims to explain the implementation of the Smart Card Indonesia
program at SMK Negeri 1 Kaidipang Bolaang Mongondow Utara District.
Keywords : Implementation, program Indonesian smart, smart Indonesian card
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