Abstract: Aim Research is for knowing effectiveness organization government districts wanea city manado.
Research this use method approach descriptive quantitative. Effectiveness organization government districts
wanea seen from five dimensions effectiveness organization ie production, efficiency, clerk of employee
adaptation or flexibility, and development. Informant research as many as six people that is camat wanea,
secretary districts, head sexy system government, head sexy service general, a lurah. Collection data use
guidelines interview, while technique analysis that used is analysis model interactive from Miles and
Based on results analysis data withdrawn conclusion that effectiveness organization government districts
wanea seen from dimensions production, efficiency, satisfaction employees, adaptation or flexibility, and
development, all not yet maximum however already enough good.
Based on results research could recommended suggestion : (1) Improve quantity and quality program/activities
and implementation; (2) Utilize on right and optimal potency human resources employees, budget/fund, and
means work; (3) Improve appreciation to employees and his welfare; (4) Improve power responsive to every
development external and internal; and (5) continue attempted fix performance.
Keywords : Effectiveness organization, government districts.
Research this use method approach descriptive quantitative. Effectiveness organization government districts
wanea seen from five dimensions effectiveness organization ie production, efficiency, clerk of employee
adaptation or flexibility, and development. Informant research as many as six people that is camat wanea,
secretary districts, head sexy system government, head sexy service general, a lurah. Collection data use
guidelines interview, while technique analysis that used is analysis model interactive from Miles and
Based on results analysis data withdrawn conclusion that effectiveness organization government districts
wanea seen from dimensions production, efficiency, satisfaction employees, adaptation or flexibility, and
development, all not yet maximum however already enough good.
Based on results research could recommended suggestion : (1) Improve quantity and quality program/activities
and implementation; (2) Utilize on right and optimal potency human resources employees, budget/fund, and
means work; (3) Improve appreciation to employees and his welfare; (4) Improve power responsive to every
development external and internal; and (5) continue attempted fix performance.
Keywords : Effectiveness organization, government districts.
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