PENGARUH LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KUALITAS PELAYANAN (Studi Kasus Di Puskesmas Kecamatan Tahuna Barat Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe)



This study moved on to the phenomenon of the location of the study regarding the existence of some of the
community users of health services in the Tahuna Barat Puskesmas about the inadequate quality of
health services provided by puskesmas officers. Thus, this study aims to determine the extent of the
influence of the work environment on service quality in the Tahuna Barat District Health Center, Sangihe
Islands District. Using descriptive methods and quantitative approaches, the data collected through the
distribution of Research Questionnaires (questionnaires) was analyzed using Frequency Table analysis
techniques, while testing research hypotheses used statistical inferencing techniques, such as product
moment correlation analysis techniques and simple linear regression.The results of data analysis show
that (1) both the working environment (X) and the health service quality variable in the Tahuna Barat
Puskesma are in the moderate to high category. (2) The results of correlation analysis and simple linear
regression show that the work environment has a positive and significant effect on the quality of health
services with a degree of determination of 38.9%. Thus, the results of this study empirically justify the
underlying theories so that the hypothesis The work environment has a significant influence on the
quality of services in the Tahuna Barat District Health Center, Sangihe Islands District, it can be accepted
empirically very convincingly.Referring to the results of this study, it can be suggested: To improve the
quality of service even higher, the management of the Tahuna Barat District Health Center, especially the
local government of Sangihe Islands District, needs to conduct technical training for Puskesmas staff and
nurses to improve their performance in providing health services people in need
Keyword work : Enviroment, Service Quality, Health Center

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