
Farmer groups are one form of community efforts to live better in the economic field. This
research was carried out with the main objectives: to find out the extent of the effectiveness of the rice
farmer group program in Wolaang Village, East Langowan District, Minahasa Regency, to find out the
obstacles in the process of implementing the rice farmer group program in Wolaang and to find out the
efforts to overcome the obstacles encountered in the process of implementing the rice farmer group
program in Wolaang. The researcher used descriptive qualitative method, data was collected by
interviewing ten informants, observing, and using related documents. The research data is analyzed
through SWOT analysis which is a strategic planning method used to evaluate strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats in a project or business speculation. The four factors that form the SWOT
acronym (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). And in the results of the research program
the rice farmer groups in this village have not been effective because 1) have not succeeded in recruiting
small farmers and communities who have not worked according to the program's main objectives. 2) there
are 10 registered rice farmer groups but only 4 are active due to lack of insight and activities carried out in
the program. 3) Not all members of the rice farmer group are satisfied with the program that has been
made for a long time because of the lack of supervision and attention of the government so that the rice
farmers prefer to work personally. 4) Supporting facilities are inadequate; Lack of control when working
so that targets are sometimes inappropriate; The report on the use of funds is not very good; Processing
land that is still traditional so it takes a long time; The use of funds has not been as needed; Less optimal
accommodation; Weak carrying capacity of citizens to work; Updates to equipment; Circumstances that
hinder program mobility; Less than working. 5) the emergence of new farmer groups causes less funding from the government because of the increase in the number of farmer groups; Transfer of farmer group
members to new farmer groups; Competition fights for the sympathy of the government and new
agricultural land with competitors; and new farmer groups often emerge with a more modern and strong
style in terms of funding. The suggestions that I can give to Wolaang village farmer groups and their
governments are: 1) increasing supervision. 2) pay attention to funding management. 3) increase work
motivation 4) improve the quality and availability of supporting facilities and infrastructure. 5) increasing
healthy competition with beginner farmer groups.
Keywords: Farmer Group, Effectiveness, Farmer Group Work Program.

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