library service is the core of all activities of the library. The success of an institution the library
is highly determined by the quality of library services, which occurs in almost all low level library his visit
or deserted from visitors, the service provided by the library are still less interested and utilized. Based on
the background of the problem then this research aims to analyze why the library services are not
attractive to and utilized by users, as well as a review of library services in improving the quality of the
Faculty of law The University Of Sam Ratulangi.
This research uses descriptive qualitative approach. The technique of Data collection is the empirical facts
collected by the Researcher for the purpose of solving a problem or answer a question of research. In this
study using this type of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data that is directly recorded on
site research through an in-depth interview obtained through observations conducted by the Researchers
themselves. Secondary data is data processed or the data has been published officially obtained from news
media, documentation and archive instances related to library services.
The results showed that that the elements supporting the activities of the service in the library of the
Faculty of law of the University of Sam Ratulangi inadequate compliance with the expectations of the
user, it is visible on the facilities, collections, librarians and users still very minimal
Keywords: Services, library
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