IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN DAERAH Suatu Studi Di Badan Pengelola Keuangan Dan Aset Daerah Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud



The implementation of the SIMDA policy in the BPKAD regency of the Talaud islands has been
implemented since 2007. But in the implementation of this policy it is still not work properly. There are still
obstacles in implementing this policy. Such as frequent occurrences of interference/damage to network
application system, facilities and supporting infrastructure such as computer which is inadequate, besides
the limited ability of human resources possesed, and the placement of employees who are not yet in
accordance with their competencies and capabilities. Besides that, BPKAD regency of Talaud islands relies
on the BPKP in the preparation of regional government financial reports. Thus the conclusion that can be
drawn from the results of this research is that communication in the implementation of the SIMDA policy
in BPKAD Talaud islands regency has been carried out before this policy was implemented through
socialization, meetings, and coaching activities at each meeting. The amount of human resources owned
are sufficient, but in their placement it is not in accordance with the competencies and capabilities as well
as facilities and infrastructure that are inadequate. The attitude of the implementer SIMDA in BPKAD
Talaud islands regency is very good, this can be seen from the value of professional intergrity, commitment,
sincerity, and the synergy between the leadership and staff in carrying out their duties. Bureaucratic
structure, in carrying out its duties, employees have referred to the existing standard operating procedures,
as well as the distribution of tasks and responsibilities to each field in accordance with their main tasks and
Key word: The Implementation of regional financial, management information system policies.

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Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

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