The purpose of research is to know the government's strategy in improving tourism development in North
Bolaang Mongondow district. The study uses qualitative approach methods. The informant is the head of
tourism Department of 1 person, head of section 3 persons, staff/officers of Tourism Office 4 persons,
community/Tourist 7 people so total informant there are 15 persons. Data collection using interview
guidelines, while the analytical techniques used are interactive model analyses of Miles and Hubernan.
Based on the results of the research that has been done by the authors, it can be concluded as follows: It
can be drawn some conclusions as follows: (1) SO strategy (Strength and opportunities) using the
appropriate promotional media target according to the market that will be addressed by the tourism agency
so that the right target and continue to be done will intensively produce excellent results. Innovate and
explore more types and destinations of tourism objects offered and committed to provide the best service to
consumers to maintain the good image of tourism in the eyes of consumers. (2) The strategy of ST (strength
and treats) Bolmut Regency government can offer interesting and promising new things with the
presentation of quality of natural resources and the interesting tour. Related to changes in the price and
tariff charged can be informed through the means of promotion and description of tourist attractions in the
media and Disarana and facilities in the attraction. Do not forget to also increase other innovations related
to tourism such as creativity in the manufacture of OLE-ole or fruit. (3) The strategy of WO (weakness and
opportunities) to ensure that the tariff or charges on similar tourism objects will be the way to overcome the
existing threats. In addition, the training and education provider to the community related to tourism
management is also very needed. Do not forget to add facilities and supporting facility and recycle or
rerejuvenation existing facilities and amenities to make it look more attractive. (4) The strategy of WT
(weakness and treats) enhances the safety and comfort of tourists who come to visit. To establish competitive
price but not detrimental for tourism and community office. Care and maintenance must be routinely run
on every attraction
Keywords: Strategy, Government, Tourism Development
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