
Abstrak : Environment Agency North Sulawesi governor is the element job aid in carrying out duties and functions of guidance , coordination and technical services in environmental management . To carry out the duties and functions set out policies / programs and activities undertaken . Issues to be addressed in this study is how the performance of the organization Environmental Agency of North Sulawesi in implementing the policy / program / activity has been established .
This study uses qualitative methods . In this study , the performance is defined as the level of success or achievement of the implementation of the policy / program / activity has been established in the strategic planning of the organization . Level of performance or the success seen through five indicators , namely : effectiveness , efficiency , responsiveness , transparency , and accountability .
Results showed : ( 1 ) the level of effectiveness achieved is well seen from the implementation of the program / activity has been established , and the level of realization or achievement of planned output targets , (2 ) the level of efficiency is better seen from the use of budget / funding and human resources ; ( 3 ) the level of responsiveness is better seen from the alignment of programs and activities adopted / implemented with environmental issues and the needs / interests of the community , (4 ) the level of transparency is seen both ease of access to the necessary information society , as well as the openness and clarity of information available or given , and ( 5 ) the level of accountability is a good views of accountability to the public or stakeholder institutions on the performance of the policy / program / activities undertaken or accomplished .
Based on the results of these studies conclude that the performance of the Provincial Environmental Agency in carrying out its duties and functions related to the development , coordination and technical services in environmental management , showing good results . Conclusions based on these results it is suggested that , with the increasing environmental problems in North Sulawesi it should be anticipated by BLH with established programs / activities more and more effective . In this regard the budget / funding allocated to North Sulawesi BLH needs to be improved / added .
Keywords : organizational performance , policies / programs / activities of environmental management

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Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

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