Farmer empowerment is all efforts to improve the ability of farmers to carry out better farming through
education and training, counseling and assistance, development of systems and means of marketing
agricultural products, consolidation and guarantee of agricultural land area, easy access to knowledge,
technology and information, and strengthening farmer institutions. Farmer group is a social unit
consisting of two or more people who carry out intensive and regular interactions, so that between them
there is a division of tasks, structures, and certain norms that are specific to that unity. In this study
using a type of qualitative research in which this research is descriptive in nature that is conducting indepth
interviews collecting primary data and collecting secondary data, which then results of primary
and secondary data are processed and data will be obtained. The results showed that the problem that
hampered the empowerment of rice farmers in the Ikhwan Village was the assistance program provided
by the government such as rice seedlings that were not well suited to the soil structure in the Ikhwan
Village and with the inappropriate assistance had an impact on the quality of crops that were not good
for farmers rice in the Ikhwan Village. The government had already provided training on good farming
practices and pest management, but that had taken place 4 years ago. The problem hampering the
empowerment of farmer groups in the Ikhwan village is also about the scarce fertilizer and the price
that is difficult for farmers to reach because of the scarcity of fertilizer. The government has also sought
a way out so that the rice farmers' group in the Ikhwan village does not have a dispute because of the
impact of the government assistance program. Finally, due to the lack of training provided by the
government, only farmer group meetings were held to discuss the problems faced by rice farmers in the
Ikhwan village.
Keywords: Empowerment, Farmer Group, Program.
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