The purpose of this study is to determine the evaluation of women's representative policies in the Manado
Regional Representative Council. The research concept used in this study is to use a type of qualitative
research with a descriptive approach. Then the data collection technique is done by interview, observation,
and documentation. Data analysis techniques in the study used qualitative data analysis of Miles and
Huberman. The results showed that the evaluation of women's representative policies in the Manado
People's Representative Council was classified as good as seen from the number of women councilors who
were able to meet the regulations regarding a minimum of 30% involvement of women in parliament, but in
terms of the role of women councilors in determining and decision-making on unfinished policies. So it can
be concluded that the evaluation of women's representative policies in the Manado Regional Representative
Council has not been maximized in terms of the role of its female councilors.
Keywords : Evaluation, Policy, Representative, Women
Regional Representative Council. The research concept used in this study is to use a type of qualitative
research with a descriptive approach. Then the data collection technique is done by interview, observation,
and documentation. Data analysis techniques in the study used qualitative data analysis of Miles and
Huberman. The results showed that the evaluation of women's representative policies in the Manado
People's Representative Council was classified as good as seen from the number of women councilors who
were able to meet the regulations regarding a minimum of 30% involvement of women in parliament, but in
terms of the role of women councilors in determining and decision-making on unfinished policies. So it can
be concluded that the evaluation of women's representative policies in the Manado Regional Representative
Council has not been maximized in terms of the role of its female councilors.
Keywords : Evaluation, Policy, Representative, Women
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