Abstract: Transparency is a principle that guarantees access or freedom for everyone to obtain
information about the administration of government, namely information about policies, the process of
making and results achieved, transparency is needed and required to be done in institutions or any
public institution that has an interest in the public, Building transparency in the management of zakat
will create a good control system between two parties, namely institutions and stakeholders, because it
does not only involve internal parties but also external parties. This research uses descriptive research
type with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study used in-depth interview
techniques with informants related to the research and also direct observation at the research location
and using literature study. The purpose of this research is to be able to describe how the transparency
of zakat fund distribution services at the office of the amil zakat agency in North Sulawesi province.
Based on the results of the study it can be seen that the transparency of zakat services carried out by the
amil zakat agency of North Sulawesi province has been done transparently, this can be seen from how
the North Sulawesi provincial baznas, provide so much access to information, both through application
services and directly , Baznas also often conducts the distribution process of zakat by inviting Muslims
from various groups to get involved, although it can be seen that the involvement of the people in terms
of supervision and involvement in the distribution process of zakat is still lacking, this can be seen from
the lack of understanding of Muslims towards the management process zakat. Therefore, supervision
and involvement of Muslims is needed for the management of zakat from the North Sulawesi provincial
keywords: transparency, management, service, zakat
information about the administration of government, namely information about policies, the process of
making and results achieved, transparency is needed and required to be done in institutions or any
public institution that has an interest in the public, Building transparency in the management of zakat
will create a good control system between two parties, namely institutions and stakeholders, because it
does not only involve internal parties but also external parties. This research uses descriptive research
type with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study used in-depth interview
techniques with informants related to the research and also direct observation at the research location
and using literature study. The purpose of this research is to be able to describe how the transparency
of zakat fund distribution services at the office of the amil zakat agency in North Sulawesi province.
Based on the results of the study it can be seen that the transparency of zakat services carried out by the
amil zakat agency of North Sulawesi province has been done transparently, this can be seen from how
the North Sulawesi provincial baznas, provide so much access to information, both through application
services and directly , Baznas also often conducts the distribution process of zakat by inviting Muslims
from various groups to get involved, although it can be seen that the involvement of the people in terms
of supervision and involvement in the distribution process of zakat is still lacking, this can be seen from
the lack of understanding of Muslims towards the management process zakat. Therefore, supervision
and involvement of Muslims is needed for the management of zakat from the North Sulawesi provincial
keywords: transparency, management, service, zakat
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Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
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