Work responsibility is a measure to see government administrators carry out the authority
they give and carry out in accordance with existing procedures and provisions, public bureaucracy is said
to be responsible if they carry out their duties as well as possible and are not just reasons, whether
someone is supervising or not, by mobilizing all abilities it has effectively and efficiently. This study aims
to explain the application of work responsibility in improving the performance of public service personnel.
To achieve these objectives researchers used qualitative methods using data collection techniques through
interview, observation, and documentation. The result of research in the land office west Halmahera show
that all staff employes can be responsible for carrying out their positions, they can carry out the authority
given to them by their superiors, there are performance evaluation standards, the servives provided to the
community are good enough, agencies take service actions fair according to the work code of ethics, and
there is a commitment from the leadership by providing quality public service and having fast, easy, and
clear procedures so that people are satisfied in completing their affairs. So that all staff can provide better
service,it is hoped that the office building will be repaired and make improvements in strengthening the
internet network.
Keywords: Work Responsibility, Performance, Public Service.
they give and carry out in accordance with existing procedures and provisions, public bureaucracy is said
to be responsible if they carry out their duties as well as possible and are not just reasons, whether
someone is supervising or not, by mobilizing all abilities it has effectively and efficiently. This study aims
to explain the application of work responsibility in improving the performance of public service personnel.
To achieve these objectives researchers used qualitative methods using data collection techniques through
interview, observation, and documentation. The result of research in the land office west Halmahera show
that all staff employes can be responsible for carrying out their positions, they can carry out the authority
given to them by their superiors, there are performance evaluation standards, the servives provided to the
community are good enough, agencies take service actions fair according to the work code of ethics, and
there is a commitment from the leadership by providing quality public service and having fast, easy, and
clear procedures so that people are satisfied in completing their affairs. So that all staff can provide better
service,it is hoped that the office building will be repaired and make improvements in strengthening the
internet network.
Keywords: Work Responsibility, Performance, Public Service.
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Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
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