The purpose of this rearch was to determine the organizational effectiveness of the East Mangoli District
Government. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The organizational effectiveness of the
East Mangoli District government is seen from the five dimensions of organizational effectiveness, namely
production, efficiency, satisfaction, adaptation and development. The research informants were six people,
namely the head of the sub-district, the head of the section, the staff / executor. Data collection used
interview guidelines, while the analysis technique used was the interactive analysis model from Miles and
Huberman. Based on the results of the data analysis, it was concluded that the effectiveness of the
government organization of the East Mangoli sub-district seen from the dimensions of production,
efficiency, satisfaction, adaptation and development had not been maximized but was good enough. Based
on the research results, it can be recommended that: (1) To increase production, it is necessary to increase
the number of employees, increase the human resource capacity of employees through education and
training; additional budget; and increasing the availability of work facilities and equipment. (2) To
increase efficiency, it is necessary to utilize quickly and optimally the potential of employees' human
resources, budget / funds, and work facilities. (3) To increase employee satisfaction, it is necessary to
increase the fulfilment of intrinsic needs, especially employee welfare; (4) Increase responsiveness to
every external and internal development; and (5) To improve performance development, it is necessary to
plan proper performance, increase the capacity and quality of human resources, and increase adequate
work facilities, especially work technology equipment such as computers and their devices.
Keywords: Effectiveness organization, government districts.
Government. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The organizational effectiveness of the
East Mangoli District government is seen from the five dimensions of organizational effectiveness, namely
production, efficiency, satisfaction, adaptation and development. The research informants were six people,
namely the head of the sub-district, the head of the section, the staff / executor. Data collection used
interview guidelines, while the analysis technique used was the interactive analysis model from Miles and
Huberman. Based on the results of the data analysis, it was concluded that the effectiveness of the
government organization of the East Mangoli sub-district seen from the dimensions of production,
efficiency, satisfaction, adaptation and development had not been maximized but was good enough. Based
on the research results, it can be recommended that: (1) To increase production, it is necessary to increase
the number of employees, increase the human resource capacity of employees through education and
training; additional budget; and increasing the availability of work facilities and equipment. (2) To
increase efficiency, it is necessary to utilize quickly and optimally the potential of employees' human
resources, budget / funds, and work facilities. (3) To increase employee satisfaction, it is necessary to
increase the fulfilment of intrinsic needs, especially employee welfare; (4) Increase responsiveness to
every external and internal development; and (5) To improve performance development, it is necessary to
plan proper performance, increase the capacity and quality of human resources, and increase adequate
work facilities, especially work technology equipment such as computers and their devices.
Keywords: Effectiveness organization, government districts.
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